Genetic Methylation Test: Discover Your Nutritional Deficiencies

Did you know that many of the diseases and ailments suffered by people today may be related to the difficulty their body has in absorbing and utilizing certain nutrients essential for healthy body development and function? The Genetic Methylation Test can help you identify nutritional deficiencies and also the possible existence of genetic polymorphisms that could be the cause of your health problems.

What is Methylation?

Methylation is a fundamental metabolic function of the body. It is a chemical process that occurs permanently in all cells and involves the controlled transfer of methyl groups, which are molecules with one carbon atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms, to proteins, amino acids, enzymes and DNA in cells to transform them into elements that are used by the body in various processes such as cell cycle regulation, cell differentiation and repair. Methylation also plays an important role in other functions such as DNA and RNA synthesis, turning genes on and off, immune response regulation, DNA expression, myelination, fat metabolism, energy production, neurotransmitter development, mood regulation, cardiovascular health, skeletal muscle tissue contraction, toxin elimination and hormone regulation.

Why is DNA methylation important?

Due to the involvement of DNA methylation in processes fundamental to genetic development and proper functioning of the body, a failure in the methylation process would mean a lack of one or more elements essential to health such as glutathione, CoQ10 and serotonin. These deficiencies have been linked to diseases and ailments including anxiety, depression, bowel diseases, dementia, attention deficit disorder, ADHD, OCD, Alzheimer’s, Down’s syndrome, chronic fatigue, autism, cardiovascular disease, increased blood pressure, diabetes, some cancers, multiple sclerosis, skeletal muscle tissue disorders, chronic inflammation, hormonal imbalances, infertility, miscarriages and autoimmune diseases.

In addition, one of the aspects that the process of DNA methylation offers the body is the ability to adapt to stress and life’s challenges. When proper methylation processes occur, adaptation does not occur effectively, resulting in consequences for a person’s daily life and accelerated cellular ageing.

What can affect the DNA methylation process?

Methylation can be influenced by genetics, diet and environment. For the methylation process to occur properly, the presence of certain cofactors such as magnesium, zinc, niacin, B2, B6, folate and B12, among others, is necessary. These cofactors can be affected by certain diets, the presence of genetic polymorphisms that decrease the body’s ability to absorb and use these nutrients properly, chronic infections, alcohol, NSAID and antacid abuse, exposure to heavy metals, and intense emotional stress.

What is the Genetic Methylation Test?

Genetic Methylation Test is an innovative test to analyze the biochemical pathway of methylation, measuring plasma levels of metabolites such as methionine, cysteine, SAMe, SAH, homocysteine and cystathionine. The analytical method used by the Genetic Methylation Test is LC-MS/MS (Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry), which is used to detect and quantify substances at trace levels. Through the Genetic Methylation Test, the nutritional needs of the patient can be discovered, and deficiencies can be identified. With the results of the Genetic Methylation Test, a healthcare professional can create a personalized nutritional plan for each patient according to their needs and pathology to improve methionine metabolism, thereby reducing homocysteine levels and controlling the consequences of unbalanced methylation and trans-sulphuration processes.

The Genetic Methylation Test can also identify the existence of SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) that are common variations in the DNA sequence of the general population, which is an important factor in uncovering the underlying cause of unbalanced methylation. Several SNPs have been associated with different health problems as they can affect bone health, cardiovascular health, and insulin resistance among others because of their impact on cellular function and receptor structures and the metabolism of proteins and enzymes.

The Genetic Methylation Test uses pyrosequencing for genetic SNP analysis and the results can be used to support patient-specific medical treatments.

The biochemical pathway of methylation is represented on a graph for easy analysis and interpretation.

This test requires a blood sample in addition to a buccal swab, so taking the samples for the genetic methylation test at home is not an option.

Who can benefit from the Genetic Methylation Test?

Genetic Methylation Test offers valuable information that can make a difference in the treatment of people suffering from various conditions:

  • People with neurological disorders and chronic fatigue.
  • People with psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder or diseases such as schizophrenia, autism, dementia, attention deficit disorder, ADHD, OCD, Alzheimer’s, and Down’s syndrome.
  • Patients with cardiovascular disease.
  • Patients at risk of developing cancer.
  • People receiving hormone treatment.
  • People exposed to toxins or alcohol abuse.
  • Patients suffering from hypertension, coronary artery disease or non-coronary atherosclerosis.
  • People with diabetes, intestinal and autoimmune diseases.
  • People with infertility problems or who have suffered miscarriages.

Other DNA Tests to help you take care of your health

There are other DNA tests available to help you take care of your health and determine the lifestyle changes you need to make to improve your health and well-being. EasyDNA offers a wide range of genetic tests for health and wellness such as the DNA Diet and Health Weight Test, that can help you understand why you can’t keep off those extra pounds, providing you the personalised nutrition and fitness recommendations you need to get your weight to budge – and keep it off.

It also offers tests to determine if certain sensitivities or intolerances could be affecting your health, such as Intolerance testing, this test uses a sample of your hair to determine your sensitivity to up to 900 food and non-food items and includes a nutrition, metal toxicity, gut biome and hormonal analysis. Also if you suspect you may be suffering from intolerance to certain vegan products, then the Vegan Intolerance Test is for you. This test uses a hair sample to test for intolerances to 450 common Vegan Foods & Non Food items. A comprehensive guide is also provided to help you reduce or completely eliminate possible intolerances from your diet. On the other hand, the Genetic Predisposition DNA Test for Health and Disease is an innovative test which allows you to discover whether you are genetically predisposed towards developing a number of diseases and medical conditions.