Stage 1
Proactive healthcare based on accurate risk assessment
Risk assessment is a tool used by healthcare providers on a daily basis. When your provider takes your blood pressure, they are assessing your risk of developing a heart attack or stroke, and they will make recommendations on how to reduce that risk based on your results.
The GENETYPE risk assessment works the same way, except we don’t look at a single risk factor, we look at many risk factors together. This gives us a better picture of your risk of developing disease.
With a better picture of your risk, you and your healthcare provider can make proactive decisions to manage that risk.
One report. Actionable results.
GENETYPE reports help you and your medical practitioner translate your personal clinical, family and genetic data into an actionable preventable health plan.
Unlike other tests, your test results are provided in simple language that you can understand.
- Your absolute risk score: this score may be a short-term or long-term representation of your risk, depending on the disease. It will be used by your medical provider to make decisions about risk-reducing strategies.
- Recommendations on referral, and risk-reducing interventions including screening, lifestyle, medication options based on your risk level.
- A snapshot of your risk compared to what is considered average for your age, sex and ethnicity.
- A view of your risk factors: a summary of the risk factors that are included in the GENETYPE risk model including one unique to the GENETYPE test: Your polygenic risk score.
- An easy-to-read patient summary highlighting additional risk factors and other information to increase your personal awareness
Know your risk of a serious disease to tailor a personalised prevention plan with your doctor, available now in conjunction with your medical provider’s referral .
Stage 2
Individuals with a family history of cancer may have an increased risk of cancer if they have inherited a cancer causing mutation. Different gene mutations can cause different types of cancer. GENETYPE’s Hereditary Cancer Screening analyses germline mutations across 49 genes that are associated with 17 types of hereditary cancer, including some of the most commonly occurring cancers such as hereditary breast, ovarian, colorectal, prostate and stomach cancer. Identification of cancer-causing mutations can help confirm a diagnosis, guide treatment and health management decisions, or guide further testing of at-risk relatives.
Stage 3
GENETYPE is dedicated to utilizing genomics in order to advance precision medicine for cancer. BGI’s next-generation sequencing essays offer a variety of options, including targeted panels that analyse genes directly linked to specific cancers by well-documented scientific research, and also much larger cancer panels designed for cancer analysis and discovery.
GENETYPE’s cancer panels are designed to identify all four classes of actionable genomic alterations, including base substitutions, insertions and deletions, copy number alterations, and selected fusions. Both tissue samples and liquid biopsy samples are supported.
GENETYPE’s Cancer+ Discovery Panel is designed to identify all classes of actionable genomic alterations, including SNP, CNV, InDels, and Fusions, across a total of 688 cancer-related genes. Results are supported by in-depth mutation analysis and pharmacogenomics information relating to 200+ drugs, including 260 targeted therapies.
Risk Stratification Panel for Men

Risk Stratification Panel for Women