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Dog Allergy Test
Take better control of your dog’s well-being and health with a dog allergy test. Allergy testing is important for any dog owner who has their dog’s best interest at heart as it can make managing allergies easier and provide allergy mitigation strategies that can result in happier and healthier dogs.
Postal and Delivery times are constantly changing. Whilst every effort is made to reduce time where possible this cannot always be achieved due to actions outside our control. The times quoted are from the time the final sample is received.
Please note that prepaid return postage is not included.
Order Now More Info$175
Pet Intolerance Test
This test can be used on any pet or animal with fur. Our most common submissions are Dogs, Cats and Horses.
Is your pet continuously vomiting or itching? Take better care of your pet health with a test for sensitivity to food, environmental, and artificial allergens. Find out information that can help you manage better the happiness and health of your pet.
Postal and Delivery times are constantly changing. Whilst every effort is made to reduce time where possible this cannot always be achieved due to actions outside our control. The times quoted are from the time the final sample is received.
Please note that prepaid return postage is not included.
Order Now More Info$116
Horse Hereditary Disease Test
Are you concerned that your horse might have inherited genetic diseases that limit their ability to perform or stay healthy? Genetic testing can make your life much easier! Horse Hereditary Disease testing can help you determine if your horse is at risk of developing a specific hereditary disease or if they possess any phenotypic traits of interest. Results for this test are emailed to you within 10 to 15 working days
Order Now More Info$309
DogCheck 4.0 Genetic Disease Test
With more than +320 genetic diseases screened the DogCheck4.0 Canine Genetic Disease Screening Test is one of the most comprehensive genetic screening tests available for dogs in the market to date. Find out if your dog is susceptible to any of the diseases or genetic traits tested for with this very easy-to-use test. Find out more about your dog and help it live a healthier life!
Order Now More Info$279
KnowYourDog Genetic & Breed Test
This KnowYourDog Genetic & Breed Test is a convenient way to learn more about your dog, identifying your dog’s breeds, physical traits and genetic diseases to which your dog is susceptible. All this can help you better understand your canine friend and provide the best care possible!
Order Now More Info$279
Exclusive Breed & Health Canine Test with Personalised Breed Certificate
This is the most extensive canine test covering:
- Breeds + Personalised Breed Certificate
- Breed Identification Breakdown percentage + Breed history
- Predicted Size and Life Expectancy
- Genetic Diseases
- Hair/Coat Trait
- Behaviour Trait + score
- Single-gene genetic disease detection
- Complex disease detection
Postal and Delivery times are constantly changing. Whilst every effort is made to reduce time where possible this cannot always be achieved due to actions outside our control. The times quoted are from the time the final sample is received.
Please note that prepaid return postage is not included.
Order Now More Info$449
Dog DNA Testing without The Mother
We offer dog parentage testing even without the mother’s sample. However, testing is more complex. By means of this test, dog breeders and dog owners have the first truly scientific manner of establishing the pedigree of a dog with an accuracy of 99.99%. Results are sent by email within 10-15 working days from receipt of samples at the laboratory.
Order Now More Info$175
CatCheck (Feline) Genetic Disease Test
With more than 75 genetic diseases screened the CatCheck Feline Genetic Disease DNA Test is one of the most comprehensive genetic screening tests available in the market to date. It is a very easy-to-use test that will screen for a comprehensive list of diseases, blood groups and genetic traits common in cats. Test today to find out more about your cat and help it live a healthier life.
Postal and Delivery times are constantly changing. Whilst every effort is made to reduce time where possible this cannot always be achieved due to actions outside our control. The times quoted are from the time the final sample is received.
Please note that prepaid return postage is not included.
Order Now More Info$35
Avian DNA sexing
Avian DNA based sexing is the ultimate in testing for birds. Our test starts at only $35 (Minimum 5 birds). Distinguishing male from female birds is notoriously difficult. Unlike mammals, the physical characteristics which distinguish male and female birds are very subtle or altogether absent. Bird DNA sexing can help breeders establish the gender of the birds with 100% accuracy.
Order Now More Info$95
Equine DNA Profiling (Genotyping)
A DNA profile is a unique form of genetic identification for your horse. It is an indisputable ID for your horse that can be used to identify it with 100% accuracy should the need arise. The horse DNA profile starts from $95 for 1 profile. We can offer additional horse profiles at the small discounted price per sample sent in.
Order Now More Info$349
Dog Parentage Test
The dog parentage test allows you to establish in a definitive manner the true parentage of your dog. By means of this test, dog breeders and dog owners have the first truly scientific manner of establishing the pedigree of a dog with an accuracy of 99.99%. Results in 10 -15 working days.
Order Now More Info$120
Feline PKD Testing
EasyDNA offers feline PKD testing– a simple DNA test that could save the life of a cat and ensure litters of kittens that are free of this disease. Persian cats and Exotic Shorthairs are amongst the breeds which are most likely to suffer from an inherited disorder known as polycystic kidney disease (PKD).
Postal and Delivery times are constantly changing. Whilst every effort is made to reduce time where possible this cannot always be achieved due to actions outside our control. The times quoted are from the time the final sample is received.
Please note that prepaid return postage is not included.
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